Seven Quick Takes: Volume 14

I just realized that the "volume" part of the title is probably supposed to correspond with Jen's collections over at Conversion Diary.  Oh well.

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I think I've finally settled into a blog format.  I went from minimalist to crafty-cute to minimalist.  While I do so enjoy things like upbeat pastels and patterned bunting, a focus on words (and sometimes pictures) is truer to my nature.

There's the original format.  There was also a graphicy-looking owl perched on a branch to the right of the title.

Then I fiddled around with this template.

Don't get me wrong, I really adored it.  But it just din't fit the Platonic ideal of what I intend for this blog.  See next take.

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All this thought about the structure of my blog has forced me to give thought to the the function of it.  What is my purpose in blogging?  What kind of readers am I hoping to attract?  How do I go about doing that?  Am I doing this solely for fun or do I hope to gain something out of it, either by writing experience, networking, or--as some bloggers have very successfully transitioned to--earning money?

As I asked myself these questions, I realized that I didn't know the answers.  As I approach the one year anniversary of Everything to Someone, I look back to see how my focus and themes have shifted--sometimes within the course of a week!

I started Everything to Someone when I attended the Catholic Writers Conference online last year and was told reaching out through social media, especially blogging, is a must for would-be authors in the 21st century.  It wasn't until a couple of months later that I realized, through some resource or another, that one of the purposes of blogging as an author was to gain expectation and readership for your subject.  Well.

Spinning Straw into Gold is focused and going strong.  Unlike with this blog, I am absolutely clear there on what my mission is.  It has a vital purpose.

It's crossed my mind twice or thrice over the past week to retire Everything to Someone.  I mean, Spinning Straw into Gold serves the function of my author blog, and the pursuit of that vocation should be (if it's not always) my main focus right now.

But Spinning Straw into Gold is very professional, and there's no place for my personal musings, explicit Catholicism, and random photographs there.  Plus, not all of my friends and acquaintances are into writing and fairy tales.

So.  Let's just see where this goes, shall we?

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I took that screenshot a mere fifteen minutes after the announcement of Pope Francis's election.  I'm a dork.

(Though apparently not as much as some people!)

This past week has been so exciting, as the social and internet world lit up like a Christmas tree.  This is not an ordinary case of living history as it happens--we're dealing with the Kingdom of Heaven here as well.

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Best blog find of the week:

Susan made the bunting banner and word art.  There are many other excellent Saint Patrick's Day crafts and activities over on Sole Searching.

Susan, thank you!  (And what kind of camera and lens do you have/use?)

-- 5 --

Lenten fasting is going well.  The rhythm is like this.

  • Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays: no meat, fish, dairy, eggs, oil, or wine.
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays: no meat, fish, eggs, or dairy.
  • Saturdays and Sundays: no meat, eggs, or dairy.

This is a Byzantine fast I was introduced to by my friend Masha.  It's similar to a Daniel fast.

I've had three instances where I deliberately broke fast, and a couple more where I had to break it for health reasons (I'm a fainter, and all that was available were cheese crackers).  But you know what?  I haven't at all felt discouraged or self-reproaching.  I just go back to the fast for the rest of the day.

A lot of awesome food ideas have come out of it, as well as a resolution.  I feel more in tune to the Lenten season.

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Here are my Lenten staples:

It's dairy-free and sooooo creamy.

I don't think I could function without these.  Thank goodness they're totally Lent appropriate!  No added sugar, just fruit juice, carbonated water, vitamins, ginseng, and green coffee.  And only 60 calories a pop!

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Thanks for reading.  Find more 7 Quick Takes here.  Have a blessed weekend!



  1. This is my first visit to your blog, but I really like how it looks. Just my two cents since I have played with the look of my own blog a few times in the past few months. :)

    My own7 Quick Takes post  is HERE if you'd like to take a peek! :)

  2. I KNOW what you mean in finding a direction for your blog!! I hope you keep this one going, as I love the photos, reflections, and blatant Catholicism ;) That might be something to partially work through in a discussion of blog direction, TMI online we chatted about on Facebook, with the Mormon Mommy blogs.

    I'm going through some processing of both my blogs right now, guiding Cyganeria toward more poems, reflections, faith, and..artistic areas, and (hopefully??) guiding piekno to more home, land, baby, and even 'issues', I guess, though, I'm bad at division, in all aspects of life..

    Are you breaking fast for St. Patrick's?? We are!! Kind meat still, but I think I might let pretty much anything else slide ;) I'm glad you don't feel guilty for breaking fast! I don't either (and I do break it, too, sometimes).

    I like this format A lot!

  3. Okay, let me just begin by saying that our blogging worlds were meant to collide!! Reasons:
    1. LOVE the Chesterton quote on your sidebar. Been sayin' it for years.
    2. Blog design. {Sigh} Can't get mine right. Summer might bring new things...I love that you aren't afraid to play around with yours. It's a journey, isn't it?
    3. Green Goddess dressing. Mmmmmm
    4.Yes. Must break fast for St. Pat's Day. We combine St. Pats with St. Joseph and have a mega-celebration with friends. The church actually encourages to "proper" celebration of important feasts during all times of the year, even during seasons of fast/abstinence.

    Thanks for sharing my post!! Have a great weekend!!


  4. I'm so impressed with the fast you've undertaken. And how have I never seen those Starbucks Refreshers? Thanks for stopping by my blog, Open Window!

  5. @ Rita

    1. God gives me the grace to do it, or else
    2. it gets easier the longer you do it.

    Maybe a bit of both!

    And the Starbucks Refreshers are so worth it.


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