1. Angry Orchard hard cider. Sweet, wet not dry, and like taking a bite from an apple that bites back.
2. Blush and rose "gold" bracelet. If this were in any other color, I wouldn't look twice at it. But I love rose gold, and it's so flattering with the pale pink blush color.
3. Milk--the Squirt's pick. Record consumption is one gallon in a day and a half. We drink organic 2%. Well, he does. I like vanilla flavored, no sugar added almond milk.
4. Imagine Dragons' "Radioactive." The music video is insane, in a good way.
Me: I like this song. Who sings it?
Sister: Imagine Dragons.
Me: . . . !
Sister: ?
Me: Best. Band name. EVER.
5. Tulips. So much right now. I don't know if I've just never noticed before, but they are everywhere in the stores this time of year. Maybe it's just a phase, but I'm sort of obsessed. I like them in yellows, or the singed-tangerine color pictured here.
Five Favorites hosted at Moxie Wife. Thanks, Hallie!

Reports say that my family's tulip project was more successful this year than last. I wish I didn't miss it this year.
ReplyDeleteHard cider, mmm.
WOOOO! Another cider lover!
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried Angry Orchard, because I'm too in love with my favorites .... Magner's, which you MUST try on tap, and Crispin. Crispin has a few different varieties -- the blue label is light and delicious, but the brown label (honeyed) is amazing!
ReplyDeleteAre they growing tulips for sale? (Is this the family in Hungary or Ireland?)
ReplyDeleteMagner's was a staple when I lived in Wales; my husband would probably agree with you. Do they sell it in the US? I haven't noticed it. . .
To be honest, I picked up Angry Orchard because of the label illustration!
I love Imagine Dragons, too!
ReplyDeleteYour quote by G.K. Chesterton is my all time favorite.
ReplyDeleteYay! Connecting over music is the best. And over favorite quotes and authors? Twice as best!
All my fave bloggers are talking about their favorite beers and ciders. It's making me very thirsty! Only a couple months until I have a decent beer selection again. (Korea is AWFUL for decent beers. Cheap beers, ubiquitous.)
ReplyDeleteIt's Israel. :D No, we are just growing them to have tulips. We love tulips. One of my boys was born in Holland, it's in his blood!