We were worried about the Squirt's tolerance for a ten-plus-hour drive to Nashville, but he was blessedly agreeable. Let it never be said I deny he's a Very Good Boy.
We stopped north of Atlanta for the night. That morning was tepid and fresh, and the foothills of the mountains tucked us into a little pocket of reality.
There's Ashley, my best friend of seventeen years. She's the epitome of feminine, if you can't tell by the hot pink and gem-studded glasses.
That evening, the honorary bridal party (plus my sister!) stayed up late into the night to make 40 programs. We slept in a hotel room, and Ashley woke me up at zero in the morning to walk sleepily in the frigid dawn to Hardees for a girl chat and a greasy pre-wedding breakfast. Wouldn't have had it any other way!
Can't see the bride in her wedding gown before the ceremony!
Ashley + Greg Burgess, joined in holy matrimony, two o'clock in the afternoon, March 11, year of our Lord, 2013.
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