
Feb. 2, Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, and Feast of Candlemas.

"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Afon: in pajamas one morning on the messy sofa bed, getting ready to go to "school" for the day.  Those dimples!

Something happened.  He turned a corner.  A piece of clockwork shifted.  He wasn't speaking, actively resisting speaking, even in speech therapy, for the longest time.  Now, only two weeks before his third birthday, his vocabulary has burst into bloom with the azaleas.  It makes things so. much. easier.  I'm more convinced than ever (which I've said before, so you can imagine the affirmation) that he's smart smart smart.  Stubborn and smart.  I only need show him once and he picks up a skill immediately.

He's been playing a lot with his puzzles recently, and he has his own ideas about which pieces ought to go where.  But when I showed him this morning how, not just the shape of the piece, but the colors and lines need to fit or match, he watched in silence, and then sorted through the pieces, and picked the right one for the right fit, without trial and error.  Then he did it again.  And then again.  No mistakes.  No hesitations.  I'm over the moon.  If this is what it feels like to teach the most important person in your world a new thing, I'm surely looking forward to home-school.



  1. Oh what great news Christie! (Also happy early birthday to the little one. My little man will be 3 this Saturday!)

    1. Oh thank you, Molly! And a happy birthday to yours as well!

  2. That is so awesome, and it's so easy for me to say this ... but every kid develops to their own individual pace. And having a kid who talks is endlessly entertaining! Kellie xx
    PS Love his jim jams!

    1. Thanks, Kellie! The jim jams were given to me by my aunt who lives in Washington state on the west coast of the US. There are blackberries in Florida, but not black bears, I'm afraid! xx

  3. Oh I LOVE those pyjamas! He's such a cutie.

    Jess | Malt Memories.

    1. Thanks, Jessica! I knew the jim jams would be popular. c;

  4. Awesome! I can't even image how hard it must have been for you to try communicating with a mostly mute two-year-old!..One of my little brothers did something similar though - he just wasn't interested for so long!

    And Afon just LOOKS so full of mischief!

    1. *wink* I have a feeling he's worry Yarrow very much if they ever got together. That's cause she's made to be a big sister! :P


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