The Nursing Toddler


It has been noted that my baby is big for an eighteen-month-old.  He also likes to fuss in the middle of the night, rummage around, and fling himself onto me to nurse.  Knocks the wind right out of me.

I've enjoyed breastfeeding him, and I wouldn't have done it any other way.  I've heard of mothers going through an exasperating period in which they dread the nursing toddler, hiding away in closets and behind garden sheds to avoid their little nursing partners' incessant demands.

I haven't experienced this yet.  What concerns me is his distress, when he is obviously not getting what he wants.  His lips curl down into a well-studied expression of pure and total disappointment.  Perhaps one day, he will simply decide that it is not worth the frustration, and give it up altogether.  Or, is it a sign for me to consider beginning the weaning process?

How did you or someone you know come to the conclusion it was time to wean?  How did you or she go about doing it?


  1. My youngest weaned at 27 months old. I did it gently. She slowly stopped nursing between naps, then she stopped taking naps (she nursed to nap), then she was just nursing to fall asleep at night and then first thing in the morning, then she dropped off the morning time and we just nursed once at night for a long time. At some point she was just nursing for comfort in order to fall asleep, so my body stopped producing, and once nothing came out she stopped. So hard to explain how we did it, but in not too many words, I let her wean on her own. It was a wonderful way to do it because it was gentle, and she was ok with it.

    1. It sounds good to me; I hope that my little guy will learn soon he can't be nursing all the time if he wants anything substantial!

  2. I know just what you mean! Yarrow is a nursing addict, especially at night, which is getting draining for me. I like for her to keep nursing for at least another year, but lessened - especially late at night. I don't really know how well that'll work, but we're just sort of taking it slowly. I love nursing her, but I also want her to learn not to throw fits when she decideds milk is The Only Option. Little wretch. :)

    How is he in the middle of the night? Where does he sleep? We have Yarrow in a cradle next to the bed early in the night, and in with us later, but I'm trying to convince her to stay in the cradle longer, I'm just not THAT giving ;)

    1. Afon started out almost right out of the hospital sleeping in the bed with us (it was easier for all parties involved). When he got about nine months old, I was comfortable enough to leave him alone in the bed with John. Some nights, I do fall asleep with him in my arms (such a feeling!) but regret it later when he wakes me up several times to nurse, LOL!


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